Changes to the usage of red diesel

Following the government’s announcement that from 1 April 2022, red diesel is no longer permitted to be used within the powered access sector, NWP, will stop using red diesel and switch to an alternative fuel. 

From 1 April 2022 our primary source of fuel will be white diesel. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When do changes to red diesel usage come into effect?

From 1 April 2022, Nationwide Platforms and our customers can no longer put rebated fuel (red diesel) into the tank of a vehicle, vessel, machine or appliance.

Our machines will be fuelled and refuelled for customers with white diesel as standard. 


Are there consequences of using red diesel after the end of March 2022?

Yes, the government has indicated the likelihood of spot checks on-site, with significant monetary fines handed out for non-compliance.


Do we need to provide evidence to show that plant and equipment has been filled correctly with white diesel?

Yes, NWP and our customers will need to ensure the following documents are available, should HMRC need to assess whether equipment was filled with the correct fuel:
•    Receipts or invoices for the purchase of fuel
•    Contracts for the hire of plant or equipment


Who is responsible for ensuring that red diesel is no longer used in plant and equipment for construction work?

•    Nationwide Platforms will ensure it no longer adds red diesel into machines. Machines will only be fuelled with permissible fuels (such as white diesel) 
•    Customers should only fuel with permissible fuels (such as white diesel) during the period of their hire (including any refuelling prior to return)


What if there is a red indicator in the fuel tank after 1 April 2022 

In line with Government guidance, machines supplied by NWP may initially carry indicators of rebated fuel. This will be permissible, subject to evidence being available that red diesel has not been added to the machine from 1 April 2022. 


Are there financial implications because of the changes?

NWP customers will incur a cost per litre price increase for diesel. Machines are to be refuelled with white diesel when returned on or after 1 April 2022.

We will charge a single rate for white diesel as stated on all quotations. 

Please note - any misfuelling will incur a tank drainage and disposal charge.


Can we use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) fuel alternatives?

We now offer HVO in some of our depots. For more information, visit this page or talk to your Account Manager.

Visit the following Government web pages for more information regarding the changes to Red Diesel:
How to prepare for the changes to rebated fuel if you're a fuel user (


We’re here to help you

Speak to your Account Manager who is on hand to support you and answer any questions you may have.

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