The UK’s leading powered access rental company, Nationwide Platforms, is making strides towards battling mental health with the launch of a mental health colleague support programme.

The initiative named ‘Hey… you ok?’ is designed to foster a culture of awareness throughout Nationwide Platforms and the UK arm of the Loxam Powered Access Division to remove the stigma surrounding mental health, whilst providing the company’s 1,140 employees with a wealth of advice, guidance and support.
The statistics are hard to ignore; 1 in 4 adults in the UK are diagnosed with a Mental Health disorder in their life, with those that work in construction and engineering the most vulnerable as statistics show two workers within the industry succumb to suicide each day.
Nationwide Platforms management teams and 40 volunteer Mental Health First Aiders have undertaken a series of courses to help them, and their colleagues to identify, understand and talk about mental health in a bid to normalise the conversation and ensure we’re all asking the simple question ‘are you ok?’.
Mark Keily, HSE Director said he hopes the initiative will create greater understanding amongst the workforce whilst giving them the confidence to create an open dialect about mental health struggles.
He said “Nationwide Platforms commitment to health and safety extends to all areas of our business, and that includes the wellbeing of our workforce. Our new Hey… you ok? campaign has been structured to help facilitate a discussion around mental health within a safe environment, eliminating any awkwardness and encourage our staff to look out for, and care for each other.”
The initiative complements Nationwide Platforms partnership with mental health charity Mind, with a pledge of donating £50,000 over the next 2 years. Nationwide Platforms have a long history of support for the charity as the Working at Height Best Practice Forum charity of choice for the last 3 years, with the company also donating £2 for every near miss report submitted.


If you or someone you know needs support with any of the issues covered in this video, please speak to someone.

Mind - 0300 123 3393
The Samaritans - 116 123