The powered access leader has recently been providing working at height support for the Hagshaw Hill Windfarm, Scotland, which comprises 26 Wind Turbine Generators, each standing 55 metres high. These help produce around 42 megawatts of energy annually – the equivalent of enough energy to power 23,000 households for one year.
Much of the work involves the replacement of blade tips at the end of the rotors, whilst the external painting of the turbines also requires the access solutions provided by 45, 46 and 50 metre truck mounted platforms available through Nationwide Platforms.
Work on windfarms requires precision and control to help complete every challenge on time and on budget. To help ScottishPower Renewables achieve their goals it was important to make sure that they had the equipment and support, from before the maintenance began, to the very end of the project
To help complete maintenance and repair work through the summer months, A 50 metre Bronto truck mount from Nationwide Platforms’ Specialist Vehicle range has been used by ScottishPower Renewables.
To ensure the correct machines were provided, ScottishPower Renewables utilised the knowledge of Nationwide Platforms who offered an experienced Site Surveyor to gain a complete understanding of the working at height requirements of the project.
Additionally, a machine operator, trained to control all truck mounted platforms in Nationwide Platforms’ market leading fleet, was also on hand to safely enable the machine to be used to its optimum potential.